It's early Saturday the 21st January and the first time I've had decent net contact for a long time.... First the laptop, then I, got sick in Sydney. I got the laptop fixed, but started my trek down the eastern coast of New South Wales in filthy weather, with an even filthier cold and no net contact. I holed up and hunkered down in Kyama to recover from the cold - a lovely enough little place with spectacular surf beaches (and famous blowhole), but I sweated out the cold as the wind and rain lashed the campervan and the surf roared down on the beach. I was finally well enough to labour on southwards along the coastal highway on Wednesday - wondering why north and west Australia, with almost no traffic, has great roads, while here, where all the people are, has this terrible rollercoaster? (smells of Norwegian-like politics to me.....)
Then yesterday, here in Bateman's Bay, I finally found someone who could actually help with all my electronic problems - from now on, hopefully I'll have "roaming wifi" - hope springs eternal! And this morning, for the first time for over 10 days, there's a decent sunup and blue sky as I get ready to leave for another 150 km rock, roll and coast down to Eden(!) just north of the border with Victoria. Friends in Melbourne tell me that when I round the SE corner of Ozz the weather is sure to get better - more soon!
Er du nå der igjen? Har du ikke kjøpt deg iPad? Er dere/du på ferie eller er det en oljerelatert reise?
SvarSlettHer er alt vel. Vi har ikke snø, rundt 0 grader og sola har kommet tilbake. Det er deilig... Ha det fint og ta vare på helsa di.
Ja her igjen, men på en helt annen kant av kontinentet! Som vanlig, en herlig blanding av ferie og akkurat passe med oljesaker...
SvarSlettJa, Ipad har jeg nok, men jeg er ikke helt venner med henne ennå, hun brukes mer til lek enn alvor!
Godt å høre at alt er bra med deg, det er flott i nord når solen kommer tilbake!
Ros ankommer neste uke, så kommer vi hjem tidlig mars, men da blir det straks nytt arbeidsøkt i Uganda frem til påske - et hardt pensjonistliv!