Just about to arrive in Bangkok, 20 hours after leaving home, eating "breakfast" at CET midnight, the feeling was "almost there". But no way, there was another 9 hour and 4 timezone trip onwards to Sydney - that's when I started to feel I might know what the "Antipodes" means...... But ever onwards, we then got blown down on the backend of a tropical storm, with tailwinds well over 100 mph at times, quite a bumpy ride and only a minute to say hello again to Timor, before we were over Ozz's northern coast and then over that vast interior of "nothingness", so much nature, geology, so few signs of human devastation, all seen from Thai Big Bird, 11 km up in the sky,,,,
Down on the ground, my first and (so far this trip) almost last meet with a "real" Australian at Immigration control - then a quick succession of originally and all truly pleasant Bangladeshi, Egyptian, Lithuanian, Indonesian/Chinese, Tunisian, Vietnamese, Burmese servicers..... What an exciting meltingpot and yes to multiculture in practise, no to everything else!
A laid-back jetlagged day today, getting practicalities organised, enjoying the tree-lined streets of Potts Point, with its Victoriana and "maybe the best in Ozz" fantastic bookstore.
The Royal Botanical Gardens tomorrow? We'll see - everyone here complaining about the terrible weather, far too bad to walk thru the gardens - it's "only" 20 degrees and a little showery, boohoohh.....Ø
Godt å høre at du er trygt fremme! Kos deg med varmegradene. Rebecca
SvarSlettGjett om de varmer
SvarSlett"Victoriana and "maybe the best in Ozz" fantastic bookstore".. Ååååh!! DER kunne jeg gjerne tatt 5 ukers ferie :D