Well at least nicely parked under a wotsit tree, just about 10 km south (not east, if you remember your Steinbeck) of Eden, in the nicest trailer park yet, just metres from a beautiful South Pacific beach. Passed the "Garden of Eden Trailer Park" on the way, then the Eden Cemetery, perched just above the clear blue waters of Twofold Bay, but decided not quite ready for that yet, so on to here...
All this after over 200 km of more rolling and winding Princes Highway - which could be a gorgeous ride through rolling pastoral and forested land, mainly a little inland, but with occasional glimpses of the sea, estuaries, bays. Great for a passenger, especially if imagining what it must have been like before the white man came and messed things up... A continuous nightmare for this lonesome driver - 100 km/hr speed limit here, queues behind waiting for the next overtaking zone 2 km on, then a sudden almost ubend demanding a drop to 40, then back to 100, then a sudden 50km/hr zone thru yet another lovely historic village, with ped crossings, traffic lights and your local copcar just waiting to nab you for speeding! Then suddenly back to 100, up, down and around again, on and on.... Not at all like the endless straight highways through the north and west, not another vehicle or signs of humanity for 100s of km! All in all, this stretch could easily have taken up to a week to enjoy, so much nature, culture & history to experieence and absorb, while I just rushed on through.
But at least today it was all in sun and lovely blue sky and I could see the eastern beginnings of the Snowy Mountains - the southern end of the Great Dividing Range - now that the low clouds caused by Tropical Cyclone Iggy - which have ruined the trip so far - were no longer as low as my eyebrows.... (Iggy hasn't just messed up my last week of travel - so far there's extensive flooding north of Sydney and thru Queensland and I see that storms with up to 160 km/hr winds are forecast to hit the the NW coast - mmmmm that's what you've got to reckon with in this subtropical paradise?) Although folks at the last campsite reckoned this was the worst summer in 50 years, in Kyama before that I was told it was gorgeous until last week: climatic memories are short - just 2 years ago the crisis was long-lasting drought? Whatever, now I seem to be south of Iggy's evil influence and out in the sun!
No nice pics of my own yet I'm afraid, camera & new laptop config still not aligned, but a tourist shot of Narooma on the coast between Bateman's Bay and here, one of the many lovely small towns along the coast.
Høres herlig ut, har du fått bada enda, da? Rebecca
SvarSlettJa da, fikk bade før neste drittvær ankom, lyn, torden og VIND!. Nå (mandag morgen) pøsregn, uffda!
SlettWaaaow, looks lovely :)