I got to reminiscing about the Ozz trip as I read the British "Times" travel section on the flight from Brussels to Entebbe a few days ago - an article headlined "The adventure of your lifetime" listed "ten mould-breaking choices for 2010", with - just wait for it - Number 2, "long drive - the "Savannah Way, a road trip par excellence" Ah Ah - been there, done it, but would love to do it again! Maybe with other variations and sideroads, but yes, it was a truly amazing experience! I realised that recently I've been subconsciously planning the next Australian roadtrip - can't quite decide between just "going with the flow", taking whichever route car or camper relocations take me, or seriously striking out northwards to Cape York from Cairns - maybe both? Me alone on the first bit, then with Ros on the second - the Cape York adventure seems just to wonderful (and demanding?) to do on my own.....
Meanwhile, here I am in Entebbe, soaking in the equatorial sun which has just peeked out from the morning rain clouds, looking down on Lake Victoria from the terrace of the Lake Victoria Hotel - a one-time "colonial masters" property, just down the hill from the then British Governor's, now President Museveni's mansion, the hotel now being restored and expanded by a Libyan consortium headed of course by my old friend Colonel Ghadaffi (or one of his sons or daughters), I should and will say no more....
I lost the urge to write for a while after the amazing Ozz trip, and the work pressure was too much on my last visit here to Uganda from late November to mid-December, then Christmas just involved more and more snow and minus God-knows how many degrees - it was fun digging out the cars at first, but.....
but now Lynnea has encouraged me to start again, so we'll see... it might get me writing some maybe controversial thoughts about postcolonial Africa though, but OK as long as I keep personal details out of it all??
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