Saetre, Hurumlandet, Friday 20.11
Finally getting my act together after the 12,000 km overnight plane trip from Perth to Oslo via Singapore and Copenhagen, over 30 hours in all from Monday to Tuesday, door to door.
Daily routine still not stabilised and missing the sun and warmth of Australia in the just-above-freezing fog and rain of early winter Norway. And especially missing the outback, just wanting to do the Savannah Way again, next time more by 4-wheel drive off the main roads! Warm thoughts of all the places and experiences on an unforgettable road trip, with not a single bad day or regret - not one unpleasant person on the way either - the Australians are truly a generous, friendly, open and kind-hearted people! Only two bad short episodes - for me my my first experience of a wide-load roadtrain, which nearly creamed me and the Wicked van off very early in the trip, and for Ros her spidery fright in a Cape Range loo! Not bad for such a long trip!
Good to be home though, although our house by the sea doesn't quite look the same in the dour grey half-light of mid-November as it does in the enclosed picture, an aerial photo taken in early summer (ours is the mid-picture pale cream house with the black roof, newly cut grass slope looking quite piebald in front of it...)
Now getting ready for the next venture, leaving in 6 days' time for a working visit to Uganda, helping geologists there establish a working stratigraphical scheme for the surface and subsurface Neogene rocks of the Lake Albert Rift. We'll have meetings in Entebbe and a field inspection of the Lake Albert exposures - in westernmost Uganda on the border towards the DRC - that should be quite exciting - Watch this spot!
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