Spent most of yesterday driving the flat coast behind the 150 km long "90 mile Beach" barrier island system east of Melbourne - OK, sedimentologically interesting but a pretty boring drive! All in a very cool breeze after yet another stormy night, Finally arrived Port Albert - recommended as a "quaint historic port and fishing village".... Quaint it may be, but of course yet again as soon I arrived (at low tide) the heavens opened and the rain lashed across the mudflats and mangroves. I gave up on the expected cultural experience of the coast walk to the old port and found the local camping site, then had a chilly damp night yet again....
Started today quite depressed and tired, not slept well in the bad weather: the rain had finally stopped, but the air was definitely COOL & DAMP. Decided to drive the last 220 km in to Melbourne and then plan further (including a couple of work meetings). First part of trip through lovely rolling countryside, weather (and my mood) improving all the time, so that by the time I reached Melbourne suburbs both were in great form. Then the fun of negotiating several thousand traffic-light junctions (or so it seemed!) before finally getting to a very pleasant trailer park - here I be, here I stay, no question of more city driving the next few days! Melbourne seems to have a great tram, train & bus network, so the camper can have a rest!
Din australiaferie begynner å høres litt ut som våre naboers i fjor, de traff midt i flommen! Rebecca
SvarSlettNei,nå her i Melbourne er det nydelig vær, akkurat passe temperatur og sol! Arbeidsmøter igår og idag, så videre mot Adelaide imorgen (lørdag) for å møte Ros der på tirsdag. Alt vel ellers!